12th September, 2016

Video marketing hacks for social media

As video continues its takeover of the internet, companies all over the world are putting it at the heart of their marketing strategies – including social media. So, you might be looking for some tips on how to use video to engage and inform your social media followers… am I right? If so, then you’ve come to the right place.

I recently came across an article on the Adweek website that highlighted a key finding from Cisco Systems’ well-respected Visual Networking Index: that video will account for 82% of all consumer Internet traffic by 2020. That’s only a little over three years away!
Helpfully, the Adweek article also offered some useful social media video marketing tips:

Less is more

It’s no surprise that attention spans are dwindling, as modern consumers adapt to mobile viewing, constant connectivity and swarms of online content. The key to creating videos people will actually watch is making sure you convey a clear and engaging message in less than 60 seconds. Don’t try to say too much, and if you need to say more you can always upload a ‘highlights’ video with a link to the full-length version on your website.

Say it with words

Around 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound – probably because most people watch them on their phones whilst in public, or even on their office computers. If you wish to convey more information than just the images on screen, use subtitled text over the backdrop of visual imagery; depending on the content, this can be more engaging than using images alone.

Go native

Linking a video from Youtube, Vimeo or Instagram may not guarantee auto-play when users scroll through their feeds. You can ensure this by uploading directly to your chosen platform, particularly as most of the major social platforms have adjusted their algorithms to prioritise native content. Uploading videos directly will give you greater visibility and, as a result, greater engagement.

Dig in your pockets

Paid content can really expand your reach, and campaigns are much more cost-effective than you might assume. Metrics such as age, gender, location and interests can all be refined until you start seeing returns, and you can even set your campaign objectives – whether that’s boosting traffic, gaining more views or increasing your page likes.

Embrace live video

Apps such as Meerkat and Twitter-owned Periscope transformed video last year, introducing live-streaming to mainstream social media. This has furthered since with the introduction of Facebook Live and even Instagram Stories, which gives followers real-time insight into users’ lives. Live social broadcasting is where it’s at, and brands should follow suit by giving their audiences a sneak peek into their world, enhancing engagement and brand loyalty along the way.

For more video marketing tips, contact Fireworx today.

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