1st April, 2020

5 marketing approaches businesses are deploying during the COVID-19 lockdown

Two weeks into lockdown and things already feel like they’ve changed fundamentally in under 14 short days. As we discussed in our last blog about this crisis – “What to invest in and when?” a large number of businesses will have seen their customers slam on the breaks, while others are pained but patient, either moving cautiously or delaying higher expenditure.

Over the past week we’ve hosted over 10 video workshop sessions with our free marketing planning session, providing support and strategic advice to whoever needs it. Although each business is different, there are some approaches most are taking and we’ve summarised the top 5 as follows:

1: Make a plan of content that will help people most

Consider the services or products you offer and provide the most benefit to your customers right now, given the likely financial strain that businesses are under. Think about the key points and the best way to provide the information. Create a plan based on what you want to communicate, then drip feed these messages through email, social and your website.

2: Help and community spirit

From your team, your clients, your friends and family to the wider community. A number of people are in desperate need of help right now and are struggling. Consider how you might be of help to them and be part of the solution. Now is not the time for the big sales pitch, instead it’s time for empathy and support.

Fireworx has taken the decision to support Julias House by donating 10% of our fees for every new project placed from April until the COVID-19 crisis subsides. This will go towards their nurses as they look after terminally ill children and their families. to find out more contact us on 01202 559 559 or email ideas@fwx.co.uk

3: Engage with your audience in their homes

With the majority of the country on lockdown, digital communication has become the main way businesses are able to keep working effectively. Your audience is working from home and your communication needs to be easily digestible in the home environment.

Most people will have more time on their hands with no travel and potentially decreasing workloads, and hopefully have time to digest more information.

Do you have a database of contacts you are allowed to engage with? If you do now is the time to reach out, share useful information and make them aware you are there for them.

4: Think digital channels; Email, Social Media, Website and Search

With everyone working from home, out of home marketing and print are not viable. Luckily digital provides the perfect tools for engaging with your audience in the comfort of their home.

Email – Either a regular newsletter of useful content to support people or offering specific advice and planning based around your skill set.

Social media – LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook to name a few, both through organic posts or paid for advertising to the appropriate audience.

Search – Consider Google or Bing paid advertising – people have time to research and look for help and with a number of businesses halting spend, ‘share of voice’ can be much greater and a potential advantage.

Website – Now is the time to consider any modifications and enhancements – get blogs up together, videos linked etc. Also think about the speed and optimisation of your website.

5: Videos, podcasts and webinars

Right now seeing a friendly face, hearing from or just speaking to someone has never seemed more important – Homemade videos don’t need to be high in production value, (simply use your smartphone) and are an easy way to communicate a concise message.

You might also consider a podcast based on a specific topic. They’re most effective when produced as an interviewer asking questions to a guest and offer perspective over 10-20 minutes.

Lastly with events off the table consider a webinar. Joe Wickes has become a hit with the kids in our household, and for businesses there are lots of tools available out there to help facilitate this type of community based forum.

We hope you find some of the above of benefit and if you are looking for some help in clarifying any of these points for your business just email us at: ideas@fwx.co.uk

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