A planet sized plan.

Growing clients.
Reducing carbon.

At Fireworx we’re committed to protecting the environment for all of us to enjoy. In fact, we feel so strongly about it we invest every month in planting new trees and reducing our own carbon footprint.

It’s not just because we believe in simply doing the right thing but that it’s in all our interests – our clients, employees and all life we share the planet with, to protect the world for all of us to continue to enjoy.

We have monthly commitments that we’re accountable for, however we also understand that we’ve not got all the answers. It’s a plan we can’t achieve on our own, it needs our clients, partners and suppliers, working in partnership.

We’re doing our small part to help protect the natural environment while ensuring our clients succeed.

Ecologi logo

Fireworx is a proud
supporter of Ecologi.

Planting trees and funding the world’s best climate crisis solutions.

Planting trees is one of the best tools to tackle the climate crisis and prevent temperatures from rising above 1.5C.

Ecologi’s tree planting partner – The Eden Reforestation Projects, plant millions of trees around the world each month.

Reducing Carbon

Ecologi invest the money they raise into projects that remove more greenhouse gasses than a businesses own carbon footprint puts in.

Each month they support a range of carbon reduction projects that are certified at the very highest level by Gold Standard and equivalent.

Check out more about Ecologi at www.ecologi.com


Ecologi trees icon


Trees planted
so far


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of carbon reduction
so far

Supporting clients in renewable energy.

Over the past 5 years Fireworx has focused on helping clients that are making a difference in the fight to protect our planet.

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Fireworx has worked with Zestec for the past 5 years as they help commercial businesses in the funding, design, development, installations and management of renewable energy solutions.

They have the technical, financial and commercial experience & resources required to develop high quality electricity generating renewable energy assets.

With clients including Kärcher, Stagecoach, Hendy Group, Brighton & Hove City Council and many more they are making a difference in the transformation of energy generation across the UK.

See our case study on Zestec here.

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Zestec solar battery icon pink
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