6th July, 2023

Urgent: Have you migrated your website analytics to GA4?

If you weren’t aware that Google is phasing out ‘Universal Analytics (UA), it’s probably quite important that you read this update. From the 1st of July this year, UA will no longer be accessible and is being replaced by a new tool; GA4. It’s time to think about moving your analytics into the new platform.

Benefits of GA4

Let’s get straight to the point; what are the benefits of manually migrating to GA4? Well…

  • Creating the GA4 property now will allow you to review the GA4 and UA analytics for similar metrics side-by-side, so you can be sure the tracking is set up properly
  • You will have time to debug any obvious issues, so there will be no last-minute-panic in July
  • GA4 uses event-based tracking, rather than page views, which should be more robust and reliable
  • Some metrics in GA4 will be defined differently compared to UA, which may mislead your decision-making if you don’t pick it up before the new tracking comes into effect

What Happens if I Don’t Migrate my Universal Analytics to GA4?

The good news is that Google will automatically move your UA configuration into GA4. The bad news is that GA4 is quite different to UA in terms of the interface, the data points and even the way metrics are calculated. So it can’t be guaranteed that an auto migration of your UA configuration will give you the data you need to report on your website performance.


Google recommend that you manually set up your new GA4 data view:

What can Fireworx do to help?

If all of the above seems a little overwhelming, we can organise a review of your current Universal Analytics set-up, as well as facilitate the migration to GA4, complete with testing and a debug phase to ensure the data is set up correctly.

If that sounds of interest, just give me a call. Just don’t wait too long as July isn’t far away.

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